25 Fun Games Like Four Corners

Are you looking for an exciting and engaging game to liven up your next gathering or add some extra fun to your daily routine?

If you’ve enjoyed playing Four Corners and are in search of similar games to keep the excitement going, you’re in luck!

Whether you’re hosting a party, planning a team-building activity, or simply want to entertain your friends and family, there is a wide variety of games that offer similar elements of strategy, movement, and suspense.

From classic favorites to innovative twists, here are exciting games like Four Corners that are sure to entertain players of all ages and keep everyone on their toes.

Musical Chairs:

Musical Chairs is a classic game that shares a similar concept to Four Corners but adds a lively musical element. Arrange chairs in a circle, one fewer than the number of players. When the music starts, participants walk or dance around the chairs. As soon as the music stops, everyone scrambles to find a seat. The player left standing is out, and one chair is removed. The game continues until only one person remains seated, crowned as the winner. Musical Chairs tests speed, agility, and the ability to make quick decisions under pressure, making it a thrilling and enjoyable game for parties and gatherings.


Sardines is a thrilling twist on the traditional game of Hide and Seek. Instead of one person seeking while others hide, in Sardines, one person hides while the rest search for them. When a seeker discovers the hidden person, they quietly join them in their hiding spot, until all players are squished together like sardines. The last person to find the hiding group becomes the next “sardine” in the subsequent round. With its element of surprise and suspense, Sardines offers an exciting alternative to Four Corners, encouraging teamwork, exploration, and strategic thinking.

Duck, Duck, Goose:

Duck, Duck, Goose is a classic children’s game that shares the same interactive and fast-paced nature as Four Corners. Players sit in a circle, with one person designated as the “goose” who walks around the outside, gently tapping each player on the head, and saying “duck” each time. Eventually, the “goose” taps someone and shouts “goose!” The tagged player then chases the “goose” around the circle, trying to catch them before they reach the empty spot. This lively game fosters social interaction, quick reflexes, and decision-making skills while providing plenty of laughter and excitement.

Related: 20 Exciting Jumping Activities for Preschoolers

Red Light, Green Light:

Red Light, Green Light is a game that combines movement, coordination, and listening skills, making it an excellent alternative to Four Corners. One player acts as the “traffic light” while the rest line up a distance away. When the “traffic light” faces away and says “green light,” everyone moves forward. However, as soon as the “traffic light” turns around and says “red light,” all players must freeze. Anyone caught moving has to go back to the starting line. The game continues until someone reaches and tags the “traffic light,” becoming the new “traffic light” in the next round. Red Light, Green Light keeps participants engaged, challenges their ability to follow directions, and creates a sense of suspense and anticipation.

Simon Says:

Simon Says is a classic game of commands and obedience that shares the same element of following instructions as Four Corners. One person acts as “Simon” and gives commands starting with “Simon says,” such as “Simon says touch your nose” or “Simon says jump.” Players must only follow the commands that begin with “Simon says.” If a command is given without “Simon says” and players still perform the action, they are out. The last remaining player becomes the new “Simon.” Simon Says encourages active listening, quick thinking, and attention to detail, all while providing a delightful and interactive experience for participants of all ages.

Balloon Pop:

Balloon Pop is a fast-paced game that adds a burst of excitement to any gathering. Inflate several balloons and scatter them around the room. Assign a color or number to each balloon. When the music starts, participants move around, trying to pop as many balloons as possible within a given time limit. When the music stops, everyone must freeze. The facilitator then calls out a color or number, and players who are closest to a balloon matching the called-out criteria are eliminated. The game continues until there’s a final winner. Balloon Pop combines movement, coordination, and strategic decision-making, making it a delightful and engaging game for parties and events.

Related: 20 Exciting Hide and Seek Variations & Twists

Balloon Tower Challenge:

Balloon Tower Challenge is a construction-based game that requires creativity, problem-solving, and steady hands. Players or teams are given a limited number of balloons and materials (such as tape or string) and must build the tallest tower using only the provided items. The tower must be stable and able to stand on its own. The player or team with the tallest tower at the end of the time limit wins. Balloon Tower Challenge stimulates engineering skills, spatial awareness, and strategic thinking, providing a hands-on and competitive game experience.

Hot Potato:

Hot Potato is a lively and entertaining game that shares the element of passing an object from player to player, just like in Four Corners. Players sit or stand in a circle and pass a small object, such as a bean bag or softball, while music plays. The objective is to get rid of the object before the music stops, as the person left holding it is eliminated. The game continues with the remaining players until there’s only one left, who is declared the winner. Hot Potato tests reflexes, coordination, and the ability to stay calm under pressure making it an enjoyable game for both children and adults.


Source: gamesver.com

Charades is a classic game that promotes communication and creativity, similar to the interactive nature of Four Corners. Divide players into two teams. Each team takes turns having one person act out a word or phrase without speaking, while their teammates try to guess the answer within a time limit. The team that correctly guesses the most words or phrases wins the round. Charades encourage teamwork, non-verbal communication, and quick thinking, providing endless entertainment and laughter.

Freeze Dance:

Source: reach.org.uk

Freeze Dance is a game that combines music, movement, and the anticipation of stopping, much like the suspense of Four Corners. Start playing upbeat music and have participants dance freely. When the music suddenly stops, everyone must freeze in their current position. Anyone caught moving or not frozen is out for the remainder of the round. The game continues until only one person remains dancing, who becomes the winner. Freeze Dance encourages active participation, rhythm, and the ability to respond quickly to changes in the music, ensuring a fun and energetic experience for all involved.

Musical Islands:

Musical Islands is a variation of the classic game of Musical Chairs that incorporates an element of strategy. Instead of chairs, place hula hoops or other designated spots in a circle or scattered around a playing area. When the music starts, participants move and dance around the islands. However, when the music stops, players must find a spot on one of the islands. The catch is that there are fewer spots than players, so those left without an island are out. Remove one island after each round, and continue until only one player remains. Musical Islands encourages quick thinking, agility, and the ability to strategize and claim a spot, adding an exciting twist to the traditional game.

Scavenger Hunt:

Scavenger Hunt is an interactive and adventurous game that shares the element of exploration and strategy with Four Corners. Create a list of items or clues that participants need to find within a designated area. Divide players into teams or let them play individually. The first person or team to find all the items or solve all the clues wins. Scavenger Hunt encourages teamwork, problem-solving, and thinking outside the box, making it an exciting and engaging game for outdoor or indoor settings.

Memory Challenge:

Memory Challenge is a game that exercises participants’ memory skills, concentration, and attention to detail. Create a set of cards with matching pairs of pictures or words. Lay the cards face down and players take turns flipping two cards over to find a match. If they find a match, they keep the cards and get another turn. If they don’t find a match, they flip the cards back over, and it’s the next player’s turn. The game continues until all the cards have been matched. Memory Challenge enhances memory recall, focus, and cognitive skills, making it an enjoyable and stimulating game for individuals or groups.

Simon (Memory Game):

Source: freshman.tech

Simon is a classic memory game that shares the element of pattern recognition and recalls with Four Corners. The game consists of a device or sequence of lights and sounds that players must mimic. Simon generates a pattern, and players repeat the pattern by pressing corresponding buttons or repeating sounds. As the game progresses, the patterns become longer and more complex. If a player fails to repeat the pattern correctly, they are out. Simon challenges memory, concentration, and the ability to recall sequences, making it a stimulating and entertaining game for individuals or groups.

Pillow Fight:

Pillow Fight is a lively and energetic game that adds a playful twist to physical activity, similar to the moving element in Four Corners. Participants gather in an open area, each armed with a soft pillow. When the signal is given, players engage in a friendly, spirited pillow fight, trying to tap or “tag” others with their pillows. The objective is to be the last person standing or the person with the least number of hits. Pillow Fight encourages physical movement, coordination, and friendly competition, providing an enjoyable and active game experience for all involved.

Duck Duck Splash:

Duck Splash is a refreshing twist on the classic game of Duck Duck Goose. Players sit in a circle, and one person goes around tapping others on the head, saying “duck” for each tap. Instead of selecting a “goose,” the tapper chooses someone to be “splashed” by pouring a cup of water over their head. The “splashed” player then becomes the new tapper. Duck Splash adds an element of surprise and excitement, especially when players try to anticipate who will get splashed next. It’s a great game for outdoor gatherings on warm days, providing both laughter and relief from the heat.

Alphabet Game:

The Alphabet Game is a simple yet engaging game that stimulates vocabulary, quick thinking, and word association. Players take turns naming words or objects based on a specific category or theme, starting with each letter of the alphabet in sequential order. For example, if the category is “animals,” players would start with “A” and say “alligator,” then move on to “B” and say “bear,” and so on. The game continues until players reach the letter “Z” or until someone cannot think of a word within the time limit. Alphabet Game enhances language skills, creativity, and cognitive flexibility, providing an entertaining and educational game experience.

Musical Statues:

Musical Statues is a variation of the traditional Freeze Dance game. Players dance or move around when the music is playing, but when it stops, they must freeze in a statue-like pose. A designated person walks around inspecting the frozen players. Any player caught moving or not frozen is out. The game continues until only one player remains. Musical Statues tests coordination, self-control, and the ability to hold a pose, providing a fun and active experience for participants of all ages.

Minute to Win It Challenges:

Minute to Win It Challenges are a series of quick, timed games that test participants’ skills, dexterity, and coordination. Set a timer for one minute, and assign a specific challenge to each player or team. Challenges can include stacking cups, moving objects using only a straw, balancing objects, or completing tasks within the time limit. The objective is to successfully complete as many challenges as possible within one minute. Minute to Win It Challenges encourage focus, precision, and quick decision-making, creating a fast-paced and enjoyable game atmosphere.

Storyteller’s Circle:

Storyteller’s Circle is a game that sparks imagination, creativity, and storytelling skills. Sit in a circle, and the first player starts a story with a few sentences. Then, the next player continues the story with a few more sentences, and so on, as the story progresses around the circle. Each player adds their unique twists and turns to the narrative, building upon what has been said before. The game continues until the story reaches a satisfying conclusion or when it loops back to the first player. Storyteller’s Circle fosters collaboration, verbal expression, and narrative development, resulting in a collaborative and engaging storytelling experience.

Steve Atkinson

Steve is a kindergarten teacher with over a decade of experience. He is deeply passionate about education, focusing on innovative teaching methods and sharing best practices to enrich early childhood learning.

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