22 Kindness Activities for Kindergarten & Elementary Students

Kindergarten is a critical period in a child’s life as it sets the foundation for their future development.

At this stage, children are not only learning to read, write and count, but they are also developing social skills and learning how to interact with others.

As teachers and parents, it is essential to cultivate kindness in children from an early age to foster positive social interactions and build a better society.

One effective way to do this is by engaging toddlers in kindness activities.

In this article, we will explore fun and engaging kindness activities for Kindergarten that will teach young children the value of kindness and empathy while having fun.

Circle Time Sharing

Encourage children to share something they did that was kind to someone else. This activity can be done daily, and children can take turns sharing their kindness stories. This activity helps children understand that kindness is an action that can be done by anyone.

Kindness Jars

Source: youtube.com

This activity involves decorating a jar and filling it with notes that describe acts of kindness done by the students. At the end of the week or month, the notes can be read aloud to the class. This activity helps reinforce positive behavior and creates a positive classroom environment.

Thank You Notes

Teach children how to write thank-you notes for acts of kindness they receive. This activity helps children learn gratitude and appreciation.

Random Acts of Kindness

Encourage children to do random acts of kindness for others. This can be as simple as holding the door open for someone or sharing a toy with a classmate. This activity helps children learn that kindness does not have to be grand gestures but can be small acts that make a difference.

Story Time

Source: youtube.com

Read stories about kindness and discuss the characters’ actions. Ask children to share their thoughts on how they can show kindness like the characters in the story. This activity helps children develop empathy and understand how kindness can impact others.


Use puppets or dress-up costumes to role-play different scenarios where children can practice acts of kindness. This activity helps children develop social skills and problem-solving skills.

Related: 20 Preschool Activities About Family

Compliment Day

Dedicate a day where children can only give compliments to each other. Encourage children to use descriptive words to make their compliments more meaningful. This activity helps children learn how to communicate positively with others.

Kindness Rocks Project

Paint rocks with kind messages and leave them around the classroom or school for others to find. This activity helps promote kindness and positivity in the school community.

Kindness Chain

Create a paper chain and write down an act of kindness for each link. The chain can be hung up in the classroom as a visual reminder of the kind acts done by the class. This activity helps children learn how their actions can contribute to a larger goal.

Planting Seeds of Kindness

Source: youtube.com

Have children plant seeds and care for them throughout the school year. Discuss how plants need love, care, and kindness to grow, just like people. This activity helps children understand the importance of kindness and caring for others.

Kindness Scavenger Hunt

Create a list of kind actions and have children search for opportunities to complete them throughout the day. This activity helps children develop a habit of looking for opportunities to be kind.

Friendship Bracelets

Have children make friendship bracelets for their friends and discuss the importance of being a good friend. This activity helps children learn about the value of friendship and how to show kindness to others.

Kindness Collage

Source: twinkl.com.pk

Provide magazines and art supplies to children to create a collage that represents kindness. This activity helps children express their creativity while reinforcing the importance of kindness.

Kindness Bingo

Source: twinkl.com.au

Create a bingo board with acts of kindness and have children complete them to get a bingo. This activity helps children learn about different ways to show kindness.

Kindness Jar Gifts

Source: hip2save.com

Have children decorate a jar and fill it with small items that can be given as gifts to someone in need of kindness. This activity helps children learn about empathy and how to show kindness to others.

Kindness Letters

Have children write letters to someone they care about expressing their gratitude and appreciation. This activity helps children learn about the importance of showing gratitude and how it can impact others.

Kindness Tree

Create a tree in the classroom and have children write kind messages on leaves to add to the tree. This activity helps children see how their kind actions can grow and impact others.

Kindness Pledge

Source: twinkl.com.pk

Have children create a kindness pledge that they can recite every day to remind themselves to be kind. This activity helps children develop a habit of showing kindness.

Kindness Collage

Provide magazines and art supplies to children to create a collage that represents kindness. This activity helps children express their creativity while reinforcing the importance of kindness.

Kindness Relay

Create a relay race that involves completing kind actions, such as helping someone pick up their toys or giving a compliment. This activity helps children learn about teamwork and the importance of showing kindness to others.

Related: 20 Preschool Activities About Feelings


In conclusion, incorporating kindness activities into a kindergarten curriculum is an effective way to teach children important social skills and promote emotional intelligence.

Through these activities, children can learn the importance of empathy, gratitude, and compassion, and develop positive habits that will serve them well throughout their lives.

By prioritizing kindness in the classroom, we can help build a more compassionate and empathetic future generation.

Steve Atkinson

Steve is a kindergarten teacher with over a decade of experience. He is deeply passionate about education, focusing on innovative teaching methods and sharing best practices to enrich early childhood learning.

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