25 Fun Games to Play with UNO for Kids

UNO is a classic card game that provides hours of fun for all ages.

But did you know the colorful deck can be used for many more games than just the classic version?

So next time you hear those cries of “I’m bored,” dust off your UNO deck and get ready for some creative game time!

This post dives into 20 exciting games that you can play with UNO cards, perfect for keeping kids entertained, whether they’re preschoolers or grade-schoolers.

Games to Play with UNO for Kids

Games for Little Ones (Ages 3-5):

  1. Color Matching: Help your child develop color recognition by turning over cards and naming the colors.
  2. Number Grab: Spread the cards face down and have kids race to grab a card when you call out a number.
  3. Simple Patterns: Take turns placing cards face up to create easy color or number patterns.
  4. Count and Match: Sort the cards by color and see who can correctly count the cards in each pile.
  5. Go Fish! UNO Style: Remove the special cards and play a simplified version of Go Fish using the numbered cards.

Games for Bigger Kids (Ages 6 and Up):

  1. Crazy Eights: Similar to the classic game, but any card can be called a “wild eight.”
  2. Swap Hands: When you play a Draw Two card, the next player must draw two cards and swap hands with the player across from them!
  3. Fishing for Colors: Hide some colored UNO cards around the room. Players take turns drawing cards from the deck, trying to collect a complete set of one color.
  4. UNO Bingo: Create bingo cards with UNO card numbers on them. Players mark off numbers as they are called or played.
  5. Building Towers: Use the UNO cards to build the tallest tower before the time runs out. Wild cards can be used as “support beams” for wobbly towers!

Twist on Classic UNO:

  1. Jump In: Play continues clockwise, but players can jump in and play a card of the same color or number whenever it’s their turn, regardless of who played last.
  2. Seven Card Stud: Deal seven cards to each player. Players take turns discarding or playing a card that matches the color or number on the discard pile.

Creative Games:

  1. Matching Memory: Flip UNO cards face down and take turns flipping two cards trying to find matches. You can use numbers, colors, or even symbols.
  2. UNO Says: A twist on Simon Says! Instead of using actions, use UNO card colors or numbers.
  3. Card Art: Get artistic! Use UNO cards to create collages, mosaics, or other fun art projects.

Team Games:

  1. Partner UNO: Split into teams of two and play UNO cooperatively. Teammates can discuss strategy and help each other get rid of cards.
  2. Group Crazy Eights: Play Crazy Eights with a larger group. The game continues until one team gets rid of all their cards.

Active Games:

  1. UNO Obstacle Course: Set up an obstacle course and place UNO cards throughout. Players complete the obstacle course and then draw a card, following the action (skip a turn, draw two, etc.) before moving on.
  2. Freeze Dance UNO: Play music and have everyone dance. When the music stops, draw a UNO card and everyone must freeze in a pose that matches the card (숫자 [susa] – number, 색깔 [saeggak] – color, etc.).

UNO Challenges:

  1. Solo Challenge: Can you get rid of all the cards in the UNO deck by yourself? Set a timer and see how fast you can do it!

With so many fun and creative ways to play, UNO is more than just a game – it’s a springboard for imagination and endless entertainment!

So grab your deck, gather your kids, and get ready for a UNO mania!

Steve Atkinson

Steve is a kindergarten teacher with over a decade of experience. He is deeply passionate about education, focusing on innovative teaching methods and sharing best practices to enrich early childhood learning.

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