26 Top Morning Meeting Activities for Kindergarten

Starting the day off on the right foot is crucial for both teachers and students in kindergarten.

A morning meeting is a perfect opportunity to establish routines, build a positive classroom community, and set the tone for the rest of the day.

That’s why we’ve compiled a list of Morning Meeting Activities for Kindergarten kids that are not only fun but also promote social-emotional development, communication skills, and academic growth.

Name Game –

Starting the day with a name game is an excellent way to help kindergarteners learn each other’s names while promoting communication skills. Have the children sit in a circle and say their name while doing a silly action, like touching their nose or spinning around. The next child then repeats the previous name and action before saying their own. This activity can be modified by having the children add an adjective that starts with the same letter as their name, like “Silly Sammy” or “Jumping Jack.”

Show and Tell –

Show and Tell is a classic activity that never gets old. Encourage your kindergarteners to bring in an item from home and share why it’s important. This activity helps build confidence, communication skills and encourages children to listen and ask questions. Make sure to set expectations for appropriate items to bring and how to handle them carefully.

Related: 25 Best Teamwork Activities for Preschoolers & Kindergarten Classroom

Weather Report –

Source: twinkl.com.pk

Incorporating a weather report into your morning meeting is an excellent way to introduce concepts of science and math. Have one child each day report on the current weather and ask the class to guess what clothes they should wear or activities they can do. You can also use a calendar to track the weather and practice counting the number of sunny or rainy days.

Story Time –

Reading a story during morning meetings can help foster a love of literacy in young children. Choose books that align with classroom values or themes, such as kindness or community. You can also ask questions related to the story to promote comprehension and critical thinking.

Brain Break –

Sometimes, kindergarten kids need a quick break to get their wiggles out and refocus. Incorporate brain breaks into your morning meeting by doing a simple dance or movement activity, like “Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes.” You can also do mindfulness exercises like deep breathing or stretching to promote calm and focus.

Related: 25 Brain Break Activities for Preschoolers Kid

Morning Message –

Write a morning message on the board or chart paper for the children to read together. The message can include reminders of upcoming events, positive affirmations, or a fun fact of the day. This activity promotes literacy skills, fosters community, and sets expectations for the day.

Silly Songs –

Singing silly songs is an excellent way to engage young children and start the day off with a smile. Choose songs that include movement or hand motions to keep the children active and engaged. You can also use songs to reinforce concepts like counting or letter sounds.

Class Poll –

Class polls are a fun way to get children to think critically and make decisions. Pose a question like “What is your favorite color?” or “Would you rather be a cat or a dog?” and have the children vote by raising their hands or standing up. This activity promotes decision-making skills, communication, and community building.

Related: 20 Best Orientation Activities for Preschoolers

Picture of the Day –

Show a picture or photograph and ask the children to describe what they see. This activity promotes observation skills, language development, and critical thinking. You can also use pictures to introduce new concepts or spark a discussion.

Morning Meeting Journal –

Provide each child with a journal to write or draw in during the morning meeting. Encourage them to reflect on their feelings, what they are excited about, or any questions they have. This activity promotes self-expression, communication, and literacy skills.

Gratitude Circle –

Starting the day with a gratitude circle is a great way to promote a positive attitude and encourage kindergarteners to appreciate the good things in their lives. Have each child share one thing they are grateful for, such as their family, friends, or a fun activity they did recently.

Math Warm-Up –

Start the day with a fun math warm-up activity, like counting objects or practicing simple addition and subtraction. You can use manipulatives like blocks or counting bears to make the activity more engaging and hands-on.

Related: 20 First Day of Preschool Ideas for Teachers

Classroom Jobs –

Assign classroom jobs to each child, such as line leader, door holder, or calendar helper. This activity promotes responsibility and a sense of ownership in the classroom community.

Song or Poem of the Day –

Choose a song or poem to share with the class each morning. This activity promotes literacy skills, and language development, and encourages children to appreciate different forms of artistic expression.

Emotion Check-In –

Have each child share how they are feeling that day, and discuss different strategies for managing emotions. This activity promotes emotional intelligence, communication skills, and a supportive classroom culture.

Pledge of Allegiance –

Source: study.com

Start the day by reciting the Pledge of Allegiance together. This activity promotes patriotism, respect for authority, and a sense of unity.

Calendar Time –

Incorporate calendar time into your morning meeting to review the days of the week, months of the year, and special events or holidays. This activity promotes math skills, time management, and organizational skills.

Word of the Day –

Choose a new word each day and have the children practice saying it, spelling it, and using it in a sentence. This activity promotes vocabulary development, language skills, and critical thinking.

Morning Stretch –

Start the day with a simple stretching or yoga routine to help the children wake up and prepare for learning. This activity promotes physical fitness, mindfulness, and stress reduction.

Classroom Goals –

Set classroom goals together as a class, such as practicing kindness, working together, or being respectful. This activity promotes a sense of community and responsibility and encourages children to take ownership of their learning and behavior.

Steve Atkinson

Steve is a kindergarten teacher with over a decade of experience. He is deeply passionate about education, focusing on innovative teaching methods and sharing best practices to enrich early childhood learning.

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